Monday 9 November 2009


We have decided on our new idea, its called "Apple" and involves the journey of an apple from being bought in a supermarket to eventually saving someones life through luck and a random sequence of events. Below is a basic rundown of how the story unfolds.

An apple is bought in a supermarket by a lady doing her shopping, she travels through town before crossing a bridge. Two school kids are messing about and one of them ends up knocking into the lady, the apple then falls out her shopping bag and into a cyclists basket down below.
The cyclist then rides ot the top of town before realising she has the apple in her basket, confused when she sees it she throws it on to a nearby bench before cycling away. It remains there until a young girl walking with her mum walks past and sees it, the little girl picks it up and draws a smiley face on it before being told to put it down, she does so but on a different bench slightly further along the street.
The apple stays on that bench overnight where three drunk lads who have been out in the town come across it, puzzled by its smiley face one of the group asks for his mates to pose for a photo with the apple before they leave. In the morning a jogger comes past and sits on the bench to tie his laces, noticing the strange looking apple, he then picks it up and walks a short way with it before throwing it down a stairway. A dog then puts it in its mouth and runs off, mistaking the apple for a tennis ball the owner of the dog had thown. The owner eventuall catches up with the dog and gets the ball out its mouth before thowing it away.
The apple next rolls into the path of a drunken tramp who picks it up and walks across the street with it but as he, in his drunken state, stumbles and falls over he throws the apple further down the path. A fruit vendor walking out of an establisment then sees the apple lying on the floor and assumes its part of his shipment so picks it up and hops into the van with it as the next drop off is only round the corner at the train stations. On arriving at the train station the vendor trips up and the smiley faced apple falls out his crate, landing at the side of the road. At the same time a man is walking from his train and exiting the station, not concentrating as he is on the phone the man steps on the apple and squashes it. However the consequences could have been far worse as when the man steps on the aplle it prevents him from walking into an oncoming car.. There the apple and this random sequence of events have helped save the mans life

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