Thursday 29 January 2009

Preliminary Task Analysis

For our preliminary sequence we decided that Sam and me would film and Jack and Oli would appear in the sequence. To prepare for our preliminary task we spent a lesson story boarding our idea and talking about how we would shoot it, we story boarded 12 frames and spent time deciding what type of shot each frame would be. As the sequence had to include some dialogue between 2 people we decides that we would make ours slightly comical with Oli walking into the room and trying to persuade Jack that one music concert can save the world from pain, hunger and suffering.

We shot the sequence in school as it was the most practical for us as we only had one lesson to complete filming, we spent a lot of time trying to find a room to shoot in which didn’t help but eventually we found that room 44 was empty and so shot our sequence in there. The only equipment we used were the 2 mini DV cameras to shoot our sequence, we chose not to use tripods as if all our shots were not perfect it would not be too important, as it is only our preliminary task and we our aiming for a big improvement with our main task. Once we found a room to film in, it only took us around 15 minutes to complete filming our sequence, which went well. We then uploaded our footage to the laptop ready for editing in our next lesson.

Our editing went very well, it took us one lesson to complete editing our video. Oli was good at using the Final Cut software on the macbook as he had previously used it and this helped us to complete our editing quicker. The biggest difficulty we faced was finding a room to shoot in; we spent around 20 minutes of the lesson walking around trying to find an empty room, which was a waste of time. If we had prepared better and found out what rooms were empty before our lesson perhaps we could have shot our sequence in shorter time.

My overall impression of our preliminary task is that it is a good sequence that was put together and edited well; it is not too long and includes everything that was required to be in it. We would improve our preliminary task by preparing slightly better and maybe being more decisive in what we were going to do.

I have learnt that preparation is crucial during the preliminary task, we must prepare in far more detail for our main task if we are to be successful in it. I have also learnt that time keeping is crucial, we will have to do make sure we know exactly what we are doing and when we are doing it for our main task but I believe if we stick to our idea and plan well our main task will be a success.

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